Sunday, January 18, 2009

Faithful Friday - a couple days postponed :)

A few weeks ago at my grandma's Christmas service in Illinois her pastor said something that caught my attention. 'It's not all about you.' It made me stop and realize how much the world is enamored with 'self.' Everyone is so focused on their apperance, their own feelings, and how to make themselves happy. Even children are born with this natural tendency to think of themselves. Have you ever watched two children play together? How long can they go before they both decide they want the same toy? And neither one of them is even considering the idea of sharing. Which sparked an idea inside of me, (which I'm sure was from God) and this is our theme for the next couple weeks in kids church. We talked today about how almost every sinful action ever committed can be traced back to a selfish motive. (You'll have to also check out my kids church blog, But also have you ever noticed how this is a trait we hate in other people but justify in ourselves. I never really thought of myself as a selfish person, at least not when it comes to my family. But when at the end of a day, when I was reading my Love Dare for the next morning, which was also on 'Love is not selfish', I realized how many times during the day I had told my kids no, no I didn't have time to play a game, no I didn't have time to play PS2, no clean your room yourself I'm busy with this, no I can't play cars or barbies or GIJoes with you right now I'm to busy with that, no I don't feel like playing outside right now, no I can't read you all a story tonight I have to finish this. So many "No's" and many of them could have easily been turned into Yes's, if only I would have put the kids before myself. Sure there are times when as a mother of 5, a wife, a preschool teacher, and a children's pastor I have things that need to be done. (Sometimes it can feel like my life is being pulled in so many different ways.) But do they all need to be done at that particular time, or could it wait a half hour so I could give them some of my time. Time is precious, but so are the lives of my children who won't be small forever, especially the boys who are already 10! I don't want my kids to grow up and say, 'My mom never had time to play with me.' I don't want that reputation - one that I was always to busy.

Here is a challenge for you this week: Whether you like it or not, you have a reputation in the eyes of those around you. But is it a loving reputation? (remember love is not selfish) I challenge you this next week, to make a conscientious effort to put others above yourself.

Philippians 2:3 'Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourself.'

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