Sunday, January 18, 2009


I so enjoy shooting the 22 Chris lets me play with! I love shooting the opposums and musk rats we have around here. Last Sunday I was disappointed in myself as I missed this guy. Today as I grabbed my gun and quickly loaded, Chris saw what I was doing and grabbed Kara's cute, pink 22 and raced out with me. This guy was hit several times between the two of us, even knicking his tail a couple times. hehe! So for all who were here last time when I missed him, here he is now!!


Jenilee said...

this is great tanya! this is why we blog... to share moments that can't be told over the phone. :) love it! I'll make sure jay sees it. :)

Pastor Jay said...

Great shooting! But two things: 1. Where is your hunting license and 2. Did you really shoot it or did Chris? Be honest.