Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Days!

Snow days are much loved in the Reighard house hold. Although this year we have had so many we will not have much of a summer, the kids will still be making up snow days into the middle part of June!!!
Sadly we have had so much snow this winter that we have not had the ice skates out. : ( We still have a few weeks of winter left, so we can hope for the best! : )
Yesterday, we bundled up and headed out. Chris gave rides on the 4-wheeler, the kids played on the many mountains of snow that have been scooped and piled up, they have atleast 3 igloo's, and of course; we went sledding!
Justus had a hard time staying on his sled, but with 8 inches or more of fresh snow it can be a challenge. : ) The screaming look on my face is me yelling at Jake (with the camera) to get out of my way, and as he did, WHAM! my body slammed into the canoe at the bottom. It took a while to get up and my ribs are still sore today, but the down hill ride was fun! : )

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