Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Visiting Jason's Grave

Last Tuesday was an absolutely beautiful day. After school we went out to visit Jason's grave. We sat around his site and told stories of things that would have made him laugh, times we really wish he would of been here for. One of the kids always brings a Bible and reads a scripture out of it to share with Jason. : ) Without any grass yet planted on his site the ground is begining to settle and they have placed sand to fill it in, to the kids it is a sand box. Those who say that walking on a grave is disrespectful would definatley not have approved of my kids this day. Knowing Jason - he didn't mind a bit - had he still been here, he would have laughed and joined in. They were writting 'I Love You Jason' in the sand with a stick, burying coins in the sand for him, Colben layed right on top of him and made a sand angel. Colben also found a stick that just happened to be shaped like an 'F' that they stood in the sand, the boys decided it stood for Fun, because Jason was always fun.

The kids really miss Jason, they will ask to go to his house just so they can look at his stuff and play in his house, Colben talks alot about being a worker man like Jason and driving the crawler and Osh Gosh. He took a tool belt out of his garage and wears it around all the time. One of the first times we went to Jasons house Colben wanted something of Jason's so bad he took a 2x4 that was laying on the ground before he hopped in the car. And on days when we are going somewhere and I have asked them to dress nicely and they come down with things like, one of Jason's big shirts, or Matt's old tennis shoes (that can't fit him anymore) with duct tape around the end of one of them, I don't say a thing, because I have learned that these are things that are still helping them cope with the loss of their uncle. People can stare all they want, with our memories we hold in our heart, and our Savior Jesus who comforts us with his loving arms, we live our lives for Him to the fullest and hold on to the hope of seeing Jason again in Heaven someday.


Jenilee said...

we are both crying. beautiful. jason would have loved the boys playing like that.

Stephanie Hunter said...

Hi Tanya- I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Jeremy and Jenilee's friend from school. I am praying for you and your family. I wanted to also tell you that the words you spoke at Jason's funeral were so powerful. I believe that God used you that day to speak into the lives of so many, and he is continuing to use you.

Anonymous said...

awesome and touching story. i really like the way you write. thanks for sharing.

...Jeremy & Jen's (and Jason's) friend.

From My House said...

It is so hard to loose a brother. Having lost 2 of them I can share your pain with you all. I hope that God can continue to confort you and your family. There are 28 years between the lose of my two brothers and time does heal, I pray grief will turn to sweet memories..Loreen (Jenilee's Mom)

Jenilee said...

i have a blog award for you! go to my blog to grab the pic!