With Chris being gone for work a few nights this week, the kids talked me into putting up the tree to surprise daddy! (who helped me get it down from the attic before he left, just incase we felt motivated to accomplish this big task without him) :)
Our tree is not so small, it is 8 foot tall and 6 foot wide, and with 5 little helpers we had it up and decorated in just a couple hours! :)
It started out going well, until we got half the branches shaped and put onto the tree and decided to go ahead and attach the top, which didn't fit....I thought I remembered from a previous year that it would fit, but the top branch needed to be bent over. That was not so, we had the tree tilted over, trying to balance it so that we didn't bust off the legs of the stand. And then for a moment it was wedged, tilted, between the ceiling and the floor. So needless to say - our tree does not have the top on it this year, instead it has an angel placed in the flat spot on the top. :) It took 4 of us to wrap the lights around as we unsuccessfully attempted to keep them untangled. Finally - when it came time to hang the ornaments, each child was responsible for his or her own! Cole would put 4 ornaments together on one sagging branch. :) Let me just say - our tree is special, it is original, and it is OURS!
I also had each kid show me their favorite ornament for this year; Colben of course picked a worker man tool, Justus picked his race car driver-Tony Stewart, Sami picked her melted snowman-she is so excited about our first snow today, Matt's was his 'My First Christmas' ornament-"Heaven opened up and sang the day I was born.", Jake's was Spongebob catching a snowflake on his tongue, I guess Spongebob is funny and odd-just like Jake.
With one Christmas already done and 5 more to go we excitedly look forward to all the time spend with family and all the fun to be had!